Part 2: Markup and stylesheets with transpiled ActionScript

How to use transpiled ActionScript with HTML
by Josh Tynjala

This is the second part in an ongoing series of tutorials about how to integrate HTML and transpiled ActionScript. In Part 1: Build the HTML DOM in ActionScript, we learned how to create HTML elements on the page using only ActionScript code. We ended up with a simple widget that calculates the monthly payment for a loan. We're going to rebuild the same HTML widget from scratch, but this time around, we're going to use real HTML markup and a stylesheet.

Screenshot of markup version of the Loan Payment Calculator widget

ActionScript will help us find the elements that were created in HTML, and then we'll hook up all of the appropriate events and perform the final calculation. In other words, we'll let HTML and CSS do what they do best, and likewise, ActionScript will provide the business logic that brings it all together.

Source Code

Find the complete source code for this tutorial on Github. We'll break the code into bite-sized chunks (with detailed explanations) below. However, to see the bigger picture, feel free to dive into the full project.

Creating the HTML document

Rather than create all of the HTML elements in our constructor using ActionScript, let's build the document with real HTML. We created an HTML file in Part 1, but it was pretty minimal:

        Loan Payment Calculator

This time, we're going to add some more content. At the beginning of the element, we'll add a new

containing the various controls that we need:


Loan Payment Calculator

Payment: 1687.71 per month

You may recall that we manually created all of these elements using ActionScript last time. By creating the form using HTML markup instead, it's easier to visualize the hierarchy of the DOM, and we'll soon end up with significantly less ActionScript code to read (compared to that big constructor from last time).

Querying the HTML DOM

With all of the form controls created in markup instead of ActionScript, we need to find a way to access them in ActionScript so that we can listen for events and read their values. Let's simplify the class we created in Part 1.

Start out by removing all of the code from the LoanPaymentCalculator constructor:

public function LoanPaymentCalculator()

private var _principalInput:HTMLInputElement;
private var _interestInput:HTMLInputElement;
private var _yearsInput:HTMLInputElement;
private var _paymentResultSpan:HTMLSpanElement;

We'll keep the member variables that stored the form controls, but we need to initialize them somehow. Inside the constructor, we'll query the document for each control:

this._principalInput = document.getElementById("principal-input") as HTMLInputElement;
this._interestInput = document.getElementById("interest-input") as HTMLInputElement;
this._yearsInput = document.getElementById("years-input") as HTMLInputElement;
this._paymentResultSpan = document.getElementById("result-text") as HTMLSpanElement;

In the markup, we gave each of the form controls an id. We pass that to getElementById() to find the underlying HTMLElement (which can be cast to a more specific type, if needed, and we do exactly that in the code above).

Similarly, we'll query the document for

element, and then we'll add an event listener to know when it is submitted:

var calculatorForm:HTMLFormElement = document.getElementById("calculator-form") as HTMLFormElement;
calculatorForm.addEventListener("submit", form_submitHandler, false);

The other methods in the LoanPaymentCalculator class remain exactly the same:

private function calculatePayment(principal:Number, interestRate:Number, years:int):Number
    var effectiveInterestRate:Number = (interestRate / 100) / 12;
    var totalPaymentCount:int = years * 12;
    return principal * (effectiveInterestRate / (1 - Math.pow(1 + effectiveInterestRate, -totalPaymentCount)))

private function form_submitHandler(event:Event):void

    var principal:Number = parseFloat(this._principalInput.value);
    var interestRate:Number = parseFloat(this._interestInput.value);
    var years:int = parseInt(this._yearsInput.value, 10);
    var payment:Number = calculatePayment(principal, interestRate, years);
    this._paymentResultSpan.textContent = payment.toFixed(2);

A stylesheet

Let's add some basic styling with a stylesheet. Add the following markup to the section:

Then, create a directory named css in your project and copy styles.css from the Github repository.

Open the page in your browser, and you should see something like this:

Screenshot of markup version of the Loan Payment Calculator widget

That's it! The form should work the same as the previous example. However, now we have less ActionScript that focuses specifically on listening to events and calculating the result. The markup is easier to read than ActionScript that calls document.createElement(), and the styles are separated out into their own separate file instead of cluttering up our code or markup. Each part of our project (the code, the markup, and the stylesheet) is focusing on what it does best.

What's Next?

In Part 3: Integrate Material Design Lite with ActionScript, we'll revisit the same widget a third time — but we'll discover another way to manage its styles. We'll actually end up keeping the exact same ActionScript code, but we'll style the form using Material Design Lite, the popular CSS framework created by Google.

If you want to dig into the example above a little deeper, download the complete source code for Part 2 on Github. The repository contains the code from all three parts of this tutorial. Go ahead and study everything in context, and compare the different techniques.

Read Part 3 Download the Code Return to Intro

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