Hello World: How to set up Apache FlexJS to transpile ActionScript to JavaScript

by Josh Tynjala

After years of working with a powerful language like ActionScript, JavaScript often feels like a downgrade. Wouldn't it be better if you could build HTML applications using proper classes, interfaces, and compile-time type checking? With Apache FlexJS™, you can transpile ActionScript to JavaScript. No plug-ins required.

HelloWorld.as => asjsc => HelloWorld.js

Apache FlexJS gives you full access to the DOM, and it's even possible to reference JavaScript libraries in ActionScript. Let's get started with a simple example.

Install Apache FlexJS

First, install Apache FlexJS 0.7 or newer. The Apache Flex SDK Installer can walk you through the installation process:

Screenshot of Apache Flex Installer

Alternatively, if you have Node Package Manager (NPM) installed, you may use the following command to install Apache FlexJS from the command line:

npm install -g flexjs

Create a new project

  1. Create a new folder for your project, and name it HelloWorld.

  2. Inside the new project, create a new folder named src. This is where our ActionScript classes will go.

  3. Inside the src folder, create a file named HelloWorld.as, and add the following code:

        public class HelloWorld
            public function HelloWorld()
                var button:HTMLButtonElement = document.createElement( "button" ) as HTMLButtonElement;
                button.innerHTML = "Press Me";
                document.body.appendChild( button );
                button.addEventListener( "click", button_clickListener, false );
            private function button_clickListener( event:MouseEvent ):void
                alert( "Hello World" );

This class will create a

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