Use ActionScript in a web browser... without a plug-in.

You tried JavaScript, but real-world projects need proper classes and strict compile-time type checking. What can you do when clients demand HTML5?

What if you could ditch the plug-in — but keep using ActionScript?

The next generation of ActionScript transpiles to JavaScript for the web browser, Node.js, and more. You can even use JavaScript libraries like CreateJS and Pixi.js. Strict types and a display list? Now we're talking!

Check out the tutorials

ActionScript evolved

  • Proper classes, interfaces, and packages for larger projects that need more than JavaScript.
  • Runs in a web browser, but you don't need a plug-in.
  • Bring the power of ActionScript beyond the browser — to Node.js, Cordova, and everywhere that you can run JavaScript.

Use popular JS libraries

  • Libraries written in JavaScript can be exposed to ActionScript using special type definition SWCs
  • Get API suggestions in your IDE, and the compiler will check types for you.
  • The dts2as utility gives you access to a huge library of existing type definitions.

Your favorite tools

Use one of many familiar ActionScript development environments.

How to get the SDK and transpiler

Option 1: Apache Flex SDK Installer

Use the official installer to download Apache FlexJS.

Download SDK Installer

Option 2: Node Package Manager

If Node.js is installed, Apache FlexJS is available on npm.

npm install -g flexjs
Photo of Josh Freeney

I was completely blown away by a demo this afternoon. @NextGenAS is making serious progress! Contribute today.

Josh Freeney, YETi CGI
Photo of Nimai Malle

It was a pretty unreal feeling to see ActionScript producing something that can run directly in the browser!

Nimai Malle, Bee Cave Games

A big thank you to the following sponsors for their generous support: